On November 1st as TJ and I were relaxing on the couch, he looked over and saw our daughter walking! 6+ steps all throughout the day. We make it a game by having her walk back and forth between us. When she gets close to one of us she basically throws herself into our chests for a hug. So sweet. She has also been running all over the house with her little walker. She is very good at maneuvering it wherever she wants it to go. She has also figured out that she can take an extra toy along by putting it in the hole between the handle and the car. She is sure a smart little cookie.
We also have a climber on our hands. It started with her climbing on the ottoman to the couch, climbing up the couch onto the knick knack table behind the couch. Next she figured out how to pull herself up onto the kitchen table chairs and then onto the table. Oi! are we in for it!!!
Oh and the tantrums! Can the terrible twos start at 14 months??? Sophie is proof that it can! If she doesn't get to do what she wants she kicks and twists and throws herself on the ground as she screams. Then her head hits the hard floor and she screams louder.
Even though she is mischievous, we love her soooo soooo much. She keeps us on our toes and makes us laugh everyday.
Slow Start
1 week ago