Thursday, August 25, 2011

Big sister

Sophia is such a good big sister. And to see how good she is with Liam brings tears to my eyes and a smile to my lips. She always wants to hold him (she sits on the couch, positions the pillow and yells BABY, BABY while patting her lap). When I put him on her lap she pats his head or his belly and gives him hugs and kisses. She always wants to help feed him his bottle. She will let him eat for a second then pull the bottle out and wipe his mouth. This happens a few times before I decide that he needs to actually get some food so I take over. I am so happy that she loves him so much. She also has to kiss him goodnight every night. She kisses mommy and daddy and if we take her to bed without kissing him she yells, Liam Liam. So precious! (If you know Sophia at all you know she basically yells all the time. She is a very loud talker. She will whisper if you whisper but she mostly yells. It is cute but can become very annoying ;) ) She will also make sure he gets his binky if it's near him. But she will just as soon pull it out of his mouth and put it in hers if she wants it.

Liam's 1 month stats

Liam had his one month appointment on July 27th. Here are his stats:
Height 22 inches (68%)
Weight 10 lbs 9 oz (71%)
Head circumference 39 cm (68%)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


On August 11th while sitting in my bed after a feeding Liam gave me, his mama, his first real smile! Sophie gave her first smile to my mom. I wasn't very happy about that. But Liam loves his mama so much and knew that she needed to have that smile. Especially with her being so very tired waking up two to three times a night to feed him. After that five minutes of smiles he really didn't smile much til yesterday. And he was all smiles! So cute. He truly melts my heart.

Am I too open with my daughter?!

So when I am in the comfort of my home and it's time to breastfeed Liam or pump I find it easier to do so uncovered. However my curious and mischievous little girl must watch me very carefully. Within the last few weeks I have caught her doing some disturbing things. First, she found my pump and had it up to her chest over her clothes standing in the kitchen. Next, she stole my Lily pad (plastic suction cup type nursing pad) and I looked over to see it suctioned to her bare chest (she was already shirtless, she didn't purposely take off her clothes). And last night maybe the most disturbing thing. She has brought the boppy up to my lap and sat in it before so I thought nothing of it this time. But as she was climbing on my lap and sitting in the middle of the boppy leaning towards me I thought something was up. When she grabbed my shirt and started pulling it down pointing to my breasts I couldn't help but laugh and pull her away telling her those weren't for her and that they were to feed Liam. Is this normal?! Should I start covering up?! She tries to get under the hooter hider too but maybe her curiosity would fade if she didn't see me nursing all day.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

All Grown Up

My little girl is getting so big! She is going to be two in 5 days! I can't believe it. I remember being in the hospital with her, going home and putting her on the bili-blanket, her first plane ride, leaving her for two days to go back to work, the first time she rolled over, her first steps, you get the picture, like it was yesterday. Now she can do so many things and say so many words, she amazes me each day. Here are some of the cute and crazy things she's been doing over the last couple of months:
-Getting in bed, under the bankets (blankets), pillows propped up, to read a book

-Taking her pants and diaper off after nap time or night time, time to potty train maybe?!

-Opening the sliding door and going outside all the time, letting as much heat and as many bugs in as possible (since she refuses to close the door)
-Wanting to throw things away in the baca or something meaning garbage
-Wanting to do laundry or make a mess with the soap
-Loving her new bubble gun that makes thousands of bubbles once it warms up

-Saying her abcs and 123s with daddy (and mommy when daddy isn't around)
-Drawing on my walls

-Pulling everything off the rocking chair in my room so she can climb on
-Watching me-mo (nemo) on the iPad, in short spurts
-Climbing on the arms of the couch to jump onto the cushions
-Wanting makeup and body spray and chap stick and headbands like mommy
-Demanding to sit on the counter while I do her hair

She is so cute! I love her so much!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Random Pics

me and my kids, plural, crazy!
 Nana and Sophia
 Nana and her grandbabies
 Liam's blessing
 Our little family of four
 Like sister like brother
Papa and his grandbabies
 Papa and Liam
 Lover's Leap with my parents