Sophia is such a good big sister. And to see how good she is with Liam brings tears to my eyes and a smile to my lips. She always wants to hold him (she sits on the couch, positions the pillow and yells BABY, BABY while patting her lap). When I put him on her lap she pats his head or his belly and gives him hugs and kisses. She always wants to help feed him his bottle. She will let him eat for a second then pull the bottle out and wipe his mouth. This happens a few times before I decide that he needs to actually get some food so I take over. I am so happy that she loves him so much. She also has to kiss him goodnight every night. She kisses mommy and daddy and if we take her to bed without kissing him she yells, Liam Liam. So precious! (If you know Sophia at all you know she basically yells all the time. She is a very loud talker. She will whisper if you whisper but she mostly yells. It is cute but can become very annoying ;) ) She will also make sure he gets his binky if it's near him. But she will just as soon pull it out of his mouth and put it in hers if she wants it.
Slow Start
1 week ago
Your kiddos are so adorable! Congrats again! Hope juggling two kids is going well with you!