Friday, July 10, 2009

Look what we did last night....

We put the crib together!!!! Yay! I am so excited. We love it! The color is beautiful. The style is perfect. Though we had to drill some of our own holes because the manufacturer's didn't put in all necessary holes, it was pretty easy to put together. I am just so glad it is up and our baby has somewhere to sleep!


  1. It looks great. That must be so exciting getting everything ready for her arrival!

  2. How fun! I'm getting so excited for you guys. I'm proud of you Mindie for helping out even though you're getting pretty big.

  3. Hey Mindie! I wanted to let you knwo that I feel so bad that I wasn't able to go to your baby shower. We were driving to Utah that day. But I do have a card I want to send to you. Should I send it to the address on the invitation?

  4. How exciting! I love your choice of crib......there's nothing like putting the crib together, standing back, with that feeling that soon, very, very soon a little baby will sleep there. Unless you are like me and your babies end up in bed with you b/c you are too lazy to get up to nurse at night. :)
