Sophie had her 18 month appointment on daddy's birthday (March 14th). She loves going the the pediatrician's office because of the toys. They have a slide and a few toys that hang on the wall. She climbs up the two mini steps and stands at the top of the slide until she decides she is ready to go down. She squeals with joy every time :) Once we get in to the room she is so curious. She climbs out of the stroller and onto the bench, counter, then tries to get back in to the stroller. The tongue depressors are right on the counter in a jar that she likes to take the lid off of and dig in. When the doctor came in she had a pen in her back pocket. So when she and I were sitting talking Sophie was bursting through the personal space bubble and stealing it right out of her pants! Then the doctor put tongue depressors in place of the pen. It is the simple pleasures in life! However, I need to teach her about personal space!
Anyway, to her stats.
Weight: 24 lb 15 oz
Height: 33.75 in
Head Circ: 48.1 cm
Words she is saying:
"appa" apple, "nana" banana, eye, "ea" ear, "no" nose, "mou" mouth, "a da" all done, "tak you" thank you, "papa" grandpa, mama, daddy, "Sosie" Sophie, "sue" shoe, "saw" sock, doggie, woof woof, "mau" meow, "Eyi" Eli (cousins dog-every time we turn on to their street she gets super happy and starts saying Eyi Eyi), ok, "nigh nigh" night night, "gikle gikle" tickle tickle, no, see ya, bye bye, and I'm sure others that I can't think of.
That's more than I thought! I love when she learns a new word. Her little voice is so cute! She blows kisses too while trying to make a kissing sound :) She gets really happy when mommy and daddy kiss and then wants to kiss each of us too. Tonight we were laying on the couch and she started pointing out the features on my face. When she got to my nose she said "no" and then hit it. I pulled her hand away and told her not to hit and that its not nice. As I was trying to do this she looked at me, puckered up and tried to kiss me! She knew she was getting in trouble and was trying to get out of it! I tried to continue but she started to laugh and kept trying to kiss me. Man, she is such a stink but she is so cute!
Slow Start
1 week ago
That is so cute that she wants to kiss both of you when she sees you kiss TJ. I swear that kids love to watch people and learn from them. I miss you!