Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Toddlers definitely have their own language, don't they?! Sophie adds "y" to some of her words. For example, her mom has gotten her addicted to dipping her food in condiments. Whenever we eat anything that could possibly be dipped she demands I mean asks for "dippy". I may have ruined food for her.

Chips are "chippy".
Wipes are "wipey".
You get the picture. It's cute. I was starting to correct her but I was reading someone's blog or facebook and they said kids will start talking normally sooner than you would like them to so enjoy their cute language. So, that is what I am doing. Taking in the "y" whenever I can.
 Sophie's photography
Slam dunk!

6 months!

I know I've said this before, but where does the time go?! My baby boy is 6 months old! Here are his stats:
Height: 28 inches
Weight: 19 lbs
Head Circumference: 44 cm

He is a chunk. Love his chub legs. He smiles all the time. He definitely loves his mama. I get some big smiles. He just stares at his daddy. Follows him with his eyes whenever he is near. He is very intriguing. Sophie can make him laugh all the time! Give her a wrapping paper roll and she is a hit! He just laughs and squeals whenever she plays with him.

While he loves to be held, he won't really look at you. He looks around you to see things that are more interesting. He is getting really good at sitting up on his own. He can even correct himself when he starts to tip. Lately he needs to be entertained, a lot! Luckily, I pulled the swing out and he loves it. Sophie didn't so we didn't bother with Liam but I am sure glad we did!

He isn't close to crawling yet, but he can get around in a circle. I was so excited for Sophie to crawl and wanted her to meet all her milestones early, but I am totally content with Liam taking it a little more slowly. I am so not ready for him to be mobile! Though I am sure Sophie would love it!

Liam also is very intrigued by his hands. He holds them in front of his face and turns them around and around and makes the ok sign and just stares. He will do this for a while without getting bored. I never knew hands could be so amazing!