Saturday, February 27, 2010

Baby Sister's Wedding

So, TJ's youngest sibling, Tiffany, got married yesterday. she married Josh Sato, the man of her dreams. :) They are so cute together! They were married in the San Diego temple. It turned out to be a nice day. No scaffolding on the temple, no rain, dessert on the roof overlooking
the Padre Stadium, all the siblings together. It was exactly what they had hoped for.
Congratulations Josh and Tiffany. Have fun on your honeymoon! We love you!
(I will post a picture when they return and give me permission)

Monday, February 22, 2010


Sophie is doing MUCH better. Thanks heavens! No more wheezing, boogies, and she is eating more. A LOT MORE! We are up to about 6 ounces every 3 hours. Isn't she supposed to go for longer periods of time now? Like every 4-5 hours? She is even waking up 2 and 3 times a night to eat (in 3 hour intervals). I am tired. We are going to purchase the baby whisperer book to see if she can help. We would love to hear any suggestions you might have to get her to sleep through the night. We know she can do it since she has done it before. Even if we could get her to only wake up once a night that would be great!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


My baby is sick. She had a cold since before Christmas and she was getting over it when I got sick. I tried so hard not to give it to her and TJ but she got it. It was so sad. Coughing, runny nose, congestion, the works. On Sunday she was wheezing so bad that TJ left church and took her to the urgent care. Turns out she had an ear infection too. The doctor gave her a breathing treatment there, and sent her home with an inhaler, a steroid to help the congestion, and amoxicilin for the ear infection. It's so sad. :( But, she is taking all the medicines like a trooper and is still a pretty happy girl. And now, TJ has got the crud too. Sorry honey.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa came over for dinner tonight. They haven't seen Sophie and almost a month! How dare they :) Sophie had a great time "grabbing Grandpa's hair",

and playing on the floor.

It was good to see my parents plus we had a yummy bbq dinner. It is not going to be easy to move to Illinois when we have been within an hour's drive from them. They need to get as much Sophie time as they can in the next few months.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Butternut Squash

Tonight we gave Sophie her first vegetable. Butternut Squash. mmmmmmm. She loved it, I think. She didn't spit it out at least and she ate about a teaspoon worth. I am looking forward to seeing how her body reacts to it, NOT. Hopefully she doesn't get the runs. :) We will try it again tomorrow night and see if we get the same reaction. Next, I think we will do green beans or peas. "They" say that you should feed babies foods even if you don't like them. I hate peas so I am debating on whether or not to feed them to her. Any thoughts?

(not a picture of eating but cute nonetheless)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Med School

Tonight we went to dinner with some friends from TJ's class. We haven't seen them in A LONG TIME. Isn't if funny how anywhere you go the Mormons always find each other. Most of this little group is LDS except for one couple who should be :) Anyway, it was super fun to reconnect with them. It was also fun to hear where everyone is going for residency. It seems as though the Mormons are migrating east. Illinois, Pennsylvania, West Virginia. Everyone is looking forward to their new adventures, and getting a paycheck! Now that we are nearing graduation, medical school seemed to fly by, for me at least (I wasn't the one studying til all hours of the morning or taking the painful tests). When you are in the real time of it all, it drags. I am so grateful for my husband's perseverance and dedication to his studies and for finding time to spend with me (I can be a bit needy). We look forward to reconnecting with everyone closer to graduation and are so excited we all made it!

(almost 4 year ago, can you believe it?!)

(aren't we so cute. I love you babe)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Swollen Eye

Sophia's eye seemed to swell a bit a few days ago. We thought that she hit herself with a toy or something but there is no bruising and it's not tender to the touch. It's not very big and when TJ felt it he said that it felt hard like bone. So, I took her to the doctor today and she said that its not obstructing her vision in any way so basically it is an anomaly which means that she has no idea what it is. She referred us to an opthalmalogist. There is apparently only one pediatric opthalmalogist in the area and I couldn't get an appointment until March 11 and that is only because someone cancelled. I hope that this lump goes away by then but I really want to know what it is. I can't get a good picture of it but here is a cute picture for your viewing pleasure.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Isn't this the cutest picture ever! This is my daughter, just chillin'. She is so stinkin cute! 5 months and growing bigger and stronger every day. She brings so much joy to our lives! I just hope she can cope with the super hot summers and freezing cold winters in Illinois!

Monday, February 8, 2010

It's Official!

We are moving to Quincy, Illinois! Today is match day and TJ matched with his number one choice. This is definitely going to be an adjustment but I think it will be a fun adventure. Our families are very sad since we will be so far away but it will only be for three years. Plus, we will be close to Nauvoo and Carthage jail so take a family vacation and visit us! We will truly miss our family and friends here in California but we hope that you will wish us luck on the new chapter in our lives!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Healthy Habits Challenge - Week 1

So the first week of my Healthy Habits Challenge is coming to an end. Am I happy tomorrow is a free day? YES! Though this challenge isn't really a diet and shouldn't be that hard, it is. Do you know how difficult it is to eat 5 servings of fruit and veggies each day. You actually have to think about what you are eating and how much of it (which I probably should be doing anyway). I have done pretty well and have gotten at least 8 out of 10 points each day. I would say that is good. However, I have been given a cold so the whole exercising challenge has been thrown out the window the past two days. That is probably one of the more important ones. Oh well. I also got a craving for some ice cream so I broke down and had a bowl. So what! Am I happy that I am doing this challenge? YES! I am doing something for myself to better myself. Plus it is helping me evaluate the other aspects of my daily life. I am eating less, I am watching less TV, I am reading, I am doing silly things with the babies, so I am feeling better all around. Except for this dang cold that started as a cough and has turned into a head cold. That's what I get for trying to be healthy! :)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging

I started reading this series called Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging. I had heard of the movie and thought that it looked pretty dumb. I didn't realize that is was made from a book. The book was actually pretty funny. It is a really easy read, you know the kind of books that you don't really have to pay attention to, so it went by really fast. I am not a huge reader but when I finished this book it made me feel like I accomplished something and I want to keep reading. There are at least 8 books in the series and I look forward to reading them all. Plus it is helping me cut back on watching TV, thank heavens! Thanks to Heather and Rachel for introducing them to me.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

New hobby? Maybe not!

So, my friend hosts a stitching night at her house once a month. She is amazing. She does all sorts of projects. I decided to go tonight to learn something new. Knitting. I have decided that it is not for me! It is difficult. Plus I am a lefty and that makes everything complicated. Maybe I am inpatient or just tired but it was frustrating. I got it started and it was going fairly well but then I lost control, everything fell off the needle and I gave up. Oh well. Maybe I will try again one day. Maybe I will move on to something else. Someone there was making a temple bag. That might be fun! But then again, another friend was knitting a cute little beanie for her little girl. Maybe I will give that a shot. Unlikely.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sophia is 5 months!

Sophia is 5 months already! Can you believe it?! I sure can't. She is growing so fast. And getting chubbier by the second! We also think she is going blonde, which means that the Moore genes are winning! Milestones: She has been rolling over (one way) for a month now-however she is not finishing the cycle. She stops rolling when she gets to her stomach (see video in older post); in the last few days she has been sitting up, mostly unsupported; she has also learned that she has a tongue (see video below).

That's all I can think of right now. We love her so much and couldn't imagine our lives without her. She is such a happy girl and she always smiles when she sees us. We couldn't ask for a better greeting!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sophia, of course

Here are some more pictures of Sophia. TJ took these first three and they are so cute! She loves her activity center. The frog was her favortie. Then her favorite became the flower because she could chew on it. And now she is really liking the light up piano. Such a great learning center for her! The boppy picture was a couple months ago. It's just cute.

Isn't she so precious!

This picture is so sad but still so cute. I don't think she felt very good but right after I took this picture she smiled.
She got this stacker toy for Christmas. We got it out a couple nights ago. She seems to really like it, or at least chewing on it!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Healthy Habits Challenge

So today began the 2010 Healthy Habits Challenge. I am really excited and I think this is the motivation I need to get healthy, and hopefully lose a few pounds. There are 10 challenges that I have to do each day and I get a point for each one I actually do. At the end of 12 weeks whoever in the group has the most points wins a prize. I don't know what the prize is, but isn't winning anything fun?! Blogging, or journaling, is one of the challenges so I hope you don't get sick of me! The other challenges are: drink 64 oz of water, eat a combination of 5 fruits and veggies, get 7 hours of sleep, no soda, don't eat after 8:00pm, no sweets, read scriptures for 15 minutes, exercise 30 minutes, and whatever personal challenge you want to work on. I chose to eat smaller portions. I have always been a big eater but I think ever since I have been married I eat like my husband. Plus I love food! Once I start eating something, especially if it is delicious like
Mexican food, I don't want to stop. I have put on 25 pounds since I have been married and an additional 9 since I had Sophia. This is just not good. So, I say, bring it on! I am so ready for this challenge. I am really excited to read my scriptures too. I am not very good with that at all. Wish me luck!